Cairo Capital

Cairo Capital will help strengthen and diversify the country’s economic potential by creating new places to live, work and visit.

Cairo Capital

Cairo’s capital is to be located 45 Kilometers east of Cairo, neighboring main roads including the regional road, Cairo-Suez road and Cairo-Sokhna road.

The city’s concept is to act as a recognizable Egyptian landmark and gateway for the Governmental, technological and financial districts. While housing an equivalent standard for residential neighborhoods.

The 700 Square metered city is forecasted to assimilate 6.5 million residents.

Central Business District

The Central Business District (CBD) is highlighted to be one of the most iconic and internationally recognized districts in the New capital and Egypt.

It’s planned to have a mixed-use nature reflecting cultural and development aspects. The business district is divided into several sub-districts including North, East, Midtown, West, South, Civic and the central park.

Each and every sub-district has its own setup to match the goal and theory of CBD.

FORBES International tower is introduced to CBD - North with its 60 storey tower-structure adding and emphasizing the business halo. Benefiting from the unobstructed views (based on our inspection) of the 60-storey Iconic Tower - Africa's tallest tower.